Sunday, October 24, 2010

Botanical Gesture

Today I wandered into the forest with my friends. While they were having fun on the "S.S. Beached 3" (Their pretend boat...>_>) I was gesturing a tree. I drew the tree basically without even looking at the paper, I spent most of the time on the forms....

In fact, focusing on form and volume as opposed to lines, seems to be bringing me some very nice results lately... I have done a lot of gestures lately, but hopefully I can get to uploading them soon.



  1. Hi Bryan!
    Sorry it took me so long to reply. School's been very hectic. :P
    I love the layout of your blog here. It's so fun and cheerful!
    How are things?
    I like your tree. It's full of motion and the form of the leaves is handled well. I miss getting to wander in forests. Florida, especially around here, isn't much for meandering in the woods. We do have nice beaches though. mwhahahaha
    I do agree, we should be art buddies. :3
    Now I shall stop procrastinating and actually do my homework, probably. haha

  2. Thanks for leaving the comment. ^^

    I totally know what it is like to be completely swamped with work. o_o; So I totally understand. Other than that I have been doing pretty good lately!

    Yeah, being in the forest is really nice. ^^ and thanks! I am really glad that you like my gesture! I will definitely do more, botanical and anatomical. =P

    glad were art buddies then! ^^

    Cya round!

