So in order to practice environments, I have started off with doing a basic botanical study of the trunk of a tree.
Most people wouldn't bother to study their own body, much less a tree. Two parallel lines with a few shades of brown and we are done, right? Wrong. Trees in many ways are more complex than human beings in form. Despite standing straight up, trees have curvature, they have form, they have motion, and they have very gestural poses. Not only that, but trees have more gradients and more complex textures than a human body would ever have.
It's the background artist job to master all of these elements, and believe me, there are more aspects to a background than there ever will be with characters.
Every videogame is 20% character 80% background. And believe me, it's a very complex and diverse 80% that requires due respect and attention. So today I have begun to pay my respects!
btw, this was done in watercolors. Watercolors and various paints are primarily how I will gesture my botanicals, landforms, and environmental surveys.